Saturday, 6 August 2011

Cleopatra coming at ya....

So its been a while (well a few months now!!) since i last blogged and my god lot has happened. Both in my personal and work life. Everything has gone off! my friends have changed(although those most important have remained), my job has changed....i've become more of a wino than i ever thought(however no i'm not an alcoholic!) my x has a new girlfriend...i have a new house and i've gained 9 pounds!!(not a bad thing...!). Taking a little tim eout from the old blog has been both sad and good....all you bloggers out there know the occasional panic of not having blogg for 24hrs!!! Im not sure if any of you will care if i have gone from blogging or care that i have now returned...just expect the same old ramblings with maybe a slightly different that is coming from a person over the bullshit, over the drama and just looking for good times, good people and good reads....
Enjoy! and message me with any thoughts, comments, and despite the fact im over personal criticism, the concerns!

Read me here tweet me here or just ignore me and get lost in the endless other blogs that are junking up the internet .

Peace, love and all that bullshit....
D x aka PC

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