Sunday, 26 August 2012

Sunday Sessions: Electric Guest

This feels like a bit of an old post, having obsessively listened to this band for the past two months i am reverted back to my teenage childhood of knowing every single lyrics, lick and twist of the tracks.  However, having discovered but a little coverage of them online i thought maybe there were some of you out there who may have not yet listened to their ibiza indi sunset vibes.

This Head I Hold, like a great love, my first great track - like a good bottle of wine you can always rely on: agreed one i have maybe listened to a little too much, but a track that makes me feel like GI Jane when i fly past Kings Cross station, dodging the commuter traffic on my run home.  Seriously....apologies to anyone who may have been knocked over in the speed stream i leave behind.

Anyway i thought i would share another song to make me feel fresh about this post...and so maybe whilst your on a come down, lying in the park, getting back on it, cleaning or having something i have become unfamiliar with, sex, this tune might make it's way onto your playlist today. 

Happy Sunday Sessions

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